Cartoon shows joyful mom standing, holding a baby on the left. Man and woman standing on the right next to a small table with a cocktail on it looking askance at the happy mom. Banner above reads “Childfree Society,” logo of a happy baby face with a “NO” circle and slash over it. Mom says, “Doesn’t anyone want to hold my angel?” Caption reads, “Marcia was at the Wrong

Some years ago, my friend and her baby daughter joined me for a visit to Denver’s historic Lakeside Amusement Park. It didn’t occur to me to offer help with the baby in any way since I was oblivious and thoughtless. My friend said she needed to stop in the restroom and she turned to me, and with a smile, thrust her baby into my arms.  My headed almost exploded.  I was pretty sure the child would not survive this encounter.  Or me.

I fumbled with the infant as my friend turned on her heel and walked away. Since I was a woman who probably looked to her like a grandma, all her mommy instincts told her it was 1. Fine to trust me and 2. I would enjoy this. I spent the 4 minutes outside the bathroom saying, “Hi, baby, hi baby,” a few times, and looking around me for a back-up caretaker in case I blacked out.  All was well and the mother retrieved the child, looking, I thought, disappointed that I didn’t say something like, “Oh, I’ll hold on to her awhile.”

I think I’ve changed just a bit and would do better in this situation if it happens again.  I might not feel instinctive baby-love in my soul, but I value my friends more than ever. 

My kind of Baby Love!

2 thoughts on “Eensy Blog | Hold That Baby

    • How lovely of you to ask, Jane! I’m retired from librarianship these days, so I’m behind the times. But perhaps Writer’s Digest, now part of Penguin Random House, will hire a bright and shiny new expert to write a similar, updated book.

      Wishing you the best, Ellen

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